Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Teks Pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba

Teks Pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba
            Hello friends how are you gimana kabar mu ……….. pastinya fine fine aja eah…. Kali ini teks pidato bahasa inggris menngambil judul tentang narkoba. teks pidato bahasa inggris ini sebenarnya LENGKAP tapi berhubung sayaa ingin friends saya ini tidak menggantungkan dirinya di teks pidato bahasa inggris ini maka dari itu teks pidato bahasa inggris hanya menyediaan reading holy qur’an, chief , spieker spich 1 dan 2 so friends harus membuat sendiri ya yang laennya………..
Karena yang membuat teks pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba hanyalah manusia biasa maka dari itu pasti teks pidato bahasa inggris ini mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan maka dari itu kritik dan sarannya  akan saya tunggu. Trimakasih atas kunjungnnya…………………. bay
teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris teks pidato bahasa inggris
Tentang narkoba

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Qs. AL_ MAA’IDAH verse  90
Qs. Al- Maa’idah having dish meaning ………………………………………………………………………………………..
In this letter explained that alcoholic drink is  so dangerous for  our health, for our body ,for  our future . so  we must keep a way from it .we must avoid it. Don’t try   to consume  it, don’t  try to sell or buy it  because you will enter the prison.
            So that way ALLAH ordering us to aveid  that deeds so that us become one who is lucky in this world and wait in eternity.
Those are what I can deliver to  you   at this  moment, thank  a lot  for your attention and  I  ask forgiveness for my  mistakes, and the last I say  :
Akhirulkalam Ihdinas shirotolmustaqim wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

Dear Leadies And Gentelment
Unfortable Mrs.Lilik Zainiyah are our loved techer let us pray toward praise and thanks the presence of God Almighty who was delegated his blessing so that we can gather here.
Thank’s  very much to audience because have been put aside her time as to this agenda and thank’s very much to master of ceremony,and speakers in this seminar drug agenda.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Unforgetable, Mrs. Mamin akroma nur laili wkhidiyah are our loved teachers.
Honoureble, Mr. umanudin as our chifin  this meeting
Dear ladies and gentlemen

In this occasion, I would like to speak in front  of  you all under the title “Drugh Abuse Among Young Generasion
 As we know that drugs have many profit  and banefits especially in healthy sector,the drugs can cure various of diseases, the drugs can help many pat ients to be healthy people, and more advantages of drugs can be felt in our life such as the professional who has to work every day by using these medicine.
Dear ladis and gentlemen
But it is sad, if we hear many young generation consume the drugs such as heroin, cokain, just to be drunk, to get enjoyment, to get satisfaction, trey don’t think only think the recently pleasure. They only tink the temporary pleasure, really the have on future, so that we are us young generation must be careful to have a friend, may be our friends bring us to the negative influence such as consuming the drugs ! so we must choose the friends who have good normal, don’t approach the friends who bad normal , because they will give us the bad influence
Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes , and the last I say
Wabillahitaufik wal hidayah wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Unforgetable, Mrs. Mamin akroma nurlaili wakhidiyah  are our loved teachers.
Honoureble, Mr. umanudin as our chifin  this meeting
Dear ladies and gentlemen

Greetings to all of us. Thank you for the time given, on this occasion I will bring a speech titled''Dangers of Drugs for the younger generation, especially students.'' 
 In an age of the modern era, today we are familiar with many young people of our nation mired in promiscuity, which leads to drug use. And we are very regrettable fact that most students fall into the world of medicine, because of wrong in choosing the association. 

Some negative affects of this drung
v  Hallucinogens
v  Slimulant
v  Addictive

Similarly, the contents of my lack of short, speech and strength were compared I apologize for your attention I say many thanks. 
Greetings. Good morning

Allahumma taqobbal minna innaka angtassamiul’alim. Watub’alaina innnakattawaburrohim rabbana atina fiddunyaa hasanah wafil’akhiroti hasanah wakina’adabannar
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yang laen cari atau buat sendiri ya friends. Semoga sukses dalam melanjutkan nya……………
Penyusun: maminakromanurlailiwakhidiyah(manlw)

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